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We will start with the changes scheduled to take place in the current year.
Early retirees 55 to 64 will benefit from a temporary reinsurance program provided to companies with early retiree health benefits.
Both lifetime and restrictive annual limits on benefits are eliminated.
The infamous "doughnut hole" in Medicare prescription drug coverage for seniors will be softened with a $250 rebate.
Young adults up until their 26th birthday will be able remain on their parents' insurance. This will be beneficial to college students and others unable to find employment.
If you become ill the insurance company cannot rescind your policy, after all that is why you have insurance.
Insurance companies are now banned from imposing exclusions on children with pre-existing conditions. Pools will be established to cover those with pre-existing health conditions until such time as the health care coverage exchanges are operational.
Coverage for Preventive services without co-pays is mandatory for new plans and all plans by 2018.
An appeals process for coverage determinations and claims will be implemented by new plans.
There will be a $1,000 increase in the adoption tax credit and assistance exclusion. The credit is refundable and extends through 2011.Indoor tanning facilities will have a 10 percent tax imposed on amounts paid for services on or after July 1.
Small businesses having less than 50 employees will get tax credits covering 35 percent of their health care premiums, increasing to 50 percent by 2014.
The Hoss hopes this summary of the benefits to take place this year as a result of health care reform helps you understand how the bill affects you in 2010.
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