Net Profit Margin = Net income/Revenue * 100 %
We will continue using the income statements of Amazon, GM and Google to provide examples.
Amazon's Net Profit Margin :
2006: $190,000/$10,711,000 * 100 = 1.8%
2007: $476,000/$14,835,000 * 100 = 3.2%
2008: $645,000/$19,166,000 * 100 = 3.4%
GM's Net Profit Margin:
2006: -$1,978,000/$207,349,000 * 100 = -9.5%
2007: -$43,297,000/$181,122,000 * 100 = -24%
2008: -$30,860000/$148,979,000 * 100 = -20.7%
Google's Net Profit Margin:
2006: $3,077,446/$10,604,917 * 100 = 29%
2007: $4,203,720/$16,593,986 * 100 = 25.3%
2008: $4,226,858/$13,174,044 * 100 = 32.1%
Once again, as in Money Magazine Hoss's previous financial indicator examples, when we compare the Net Profit Margin of the three companies, Google without question has the best performance.
Stay on Track,
Money Magazine Hoss
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